Thursday, July 26, 2018

This planet is a womb

And actually, the solar system is a womb.
A womb for the nurturing and development of the offspring of the most creative being

The earth is a journal

Actually, the Universe is a journal.
You too are a journal

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

my mind is busy

My mind is busy.
Words, ideas, and objects overflow into some medium.
Ideas beg for expression, and nudge the walls of their conception.

idea pain.

This is why 'moot' became a realized product.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Stats for Digital Literacy

Data Science:
I am considering Stats as a staple competency for Digital Literacy - I want to fulfill it.
Which of these shall I start with :

Independent Coursework

  • Machine Learning (CS229)
  • Natural Language Processing (CS224N)
  • Artificial Intelligence (CS221)
  • Convex Optimization (CME364A)
  • Statistical Methods in Finance (STATS240)
  • Data Mining (STATS315B)
  • Learning (STATS315A)
  • Mathematical Finance (MATH238)
  • Introduction to Parallel Computing (CME213)

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Earth is a symbol of the heart

This earth is a symbol your heart.
The happenings on the earth are symbolic of your heart.
the dynamics of how things take root and grow in the earth are a type of how things can take root and grow in your heart.